Inositol: My Favorite Anti-Anxiety Supplement
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Inositol: My Favorite Anti-Anxiety Supplement

What Is Inositol? Inositol is a naturally occurring substance. It’s sometimes called Vitamin B8 and it’s one of the most versatile nutrients for promoting brain wellness, relaxation, and restful sleep. It’s also a crucial nutrient for female hormonal health because it supports optimal liver function. Benefits Of Inositol: Inositol helps maintain healthy serotonin and GABA metabolism,…

Why A 30-Day Health Challenge Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now
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Why A 30-Day Health Challenge Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now

If you’re thinking about or in the process of stopping a negative vice like alcohol or sugar. Or maybe you want to stop a compulsive behavior like overspending or spending too much time scrolling FaceBook, try ADDING something healthy into your life. This will help you create new neuropathways in your brain and get unstuck.  Variety is the spice…

Yoga Teacher Training: Why Here, Why Now?
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Yoga Teacher Training: Why Here, Why Now?

Last Thursday I flew to Santa Monica, California to begin the first weekend of a six-month, 200-hour yoga teacher training. As I sat in the opening circle with 20 yoga teacher trainees, we began the process of getting to know each another. We were asked to share our name and answer the question, “Why here? Why…

25 Things To Do Instead Of Drink Alcohol Or Eat Junk Food When You’re Stressed
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25 Things To Do Instead Of Drink Alcohol Or Eat Junk Food When You’re Stressed

On the eve of the 2016 American Presidential Election, recent time change and winter holidays right around the corner, I wrote down some stress reduction suggestions and reminders. If you only have time to click on one link, click on #19, it’s a good one, especially when you want to change your state of being…

The Sensitivity Gene: How A Perceived Weakness Becomes A Strength

The Sensitivity Gene: How A Perceived Weakness Becomes A Strength

Have you ever said to yourself, “Ugh, I’m never drinking again!” and then a day or two later you’re drinking again. Or Have you wanted to cut back on sugar, but find it hard to stick to? Or maybe you’ve turned to other vices – cigarettes, pot, or behaviors like compulsive exercise or work to run…