Inositol: My Favorite Anti-Anxiety Supplement
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Inositol: My Favorite Anti-Anxiety Supplement

What Is Inositol? Inositol is a naturally occurring substance. It’s sometimes called Vitamin B8 and it’s one of the most versatile nutrients for promoting brain wellness, relaxation, and restful sleep. It’s also a crucial nutrient for female hormonal health because it supports optimal liver function. Benefits Of Inositol: Inositol helps maintain healthy serotonin and GABA metabolism,…

Tired businesswoman in the office
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10 Ways To Stop Your Sugar Cravings

  Yesterday was Halloween, the big candy holiday. Now the season of parties, celebratory meals with extra sweet food and alcohol is upon us. Here are some of my favorite suggestions aka Healthy Discoveries, that I often recommend to my coaching clients to help reduce sugar cravings during the holidays or any other time throughout the year:…

2012 Ancestral Health Symposium at Harvard Law School

2012 Ancestral Health Symposium at Harvard Law School

  Guest Post by Ann Topalian from St. George, Utah. I met Ann five years ago when we both participated in a yoga teacher training program. Over the years we’ve stayed in touch via email and FaceBook and she was one of my first blog subscribers in 2007. Ann has been incredibly supportive of me…

Eat Dark Chocolate: Stop Your Cravings!

Eat Dark Chocolate: Stop Your Cravings!

    On Monday The New York Times published an article called, The Chocolate Diet “People who ate chocolate the most frequently, despite eating more calories and exercising no differently from those who ate the least chocolate, tended to have lower B.M.I.’s. There was a difference of roughly five to seven pounds between subjects who…


Medical Perspective On The Paleo Diet

Yesterday I talked with Dr. John Oro about the Paleo Diet. Dr. Oro is a neurosurgeon and currently the Director at The Neurosurgery Center of Colorado and The Chiari Care Center in Aurora, Colorado. Dr. Oro refers his patients to me for nutrition coaching on the Paleo Diet. Click here to see our conversation.  …