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25 Things To Do Instead Of Drink Alcohol Or Eat Junk Food When You’re Stressed

On the eve of the 2016 American Presidential Election, recent time change and winter holidays right around the corner, I wrote down some stress reduction suggestions and reminders. If you only have time to click on one link, click on #19, it’s a good one, especially when you want to change your state of being and feel better now.

1. Make a cup of calming tea. I like Holy Basil Tulsi Tea.

2. Listen to relaxing music. Harmonic Resonance by Jim Oliver is one of my favorites.

3. Put some calming lavender aromatherapy oil on your hands. Hold your hands up to your nose and inhale, or if you have a diffuser use that. Valor from Young Living will help you feel more grounded (put it on the bottom of your feet) and Frankincense from Neal’s Yard will lift your mood.

4. Breathe in sync with this for 1 minute or more.

5. Do this 7 minute workout to move your body when you don’t have time to move your body. Anyone can set aside 7 minutes in their busy day to move their body, yes even you!

6. Sit outside in the sunshine for 15-30 minutes. If it’s a cold day or there’s no sunshine try using a light box first thing in the morning for 20 minutes. It raises serotonin (the feel good brain chemical) and melatonin (the sleep hormone).

7. Walk on dirt, sand or grass. Bonus if you can take off your shoes and walk barefoot. It’s grounding and calming.

8. Get a foot massage (reflexology). It’s also grounding and calming.

9. Select a Bach Flower Remedy that best describes your emotional state right now. Put a couple drops under your tongue or in a glass of water. Take it a couple times each day until you feel better.

10. Rebound (jump) on a mini trampoline. It helps rejuvenate a tired body and mind, stimulates lymphatic drainage, enhances digestion, improves the brain’s responsiveness and increases deeper relaxation and better sleep.

11. Read the motivational classics. Long before The Secret, or Tony Robbins or the Landmark Forum, Og Mandino, Norman Vincent Peale and Dale Carnegie were the original motivational speakers for inspiration and positive living. My favorites are, The Greatest Miracle In The World, How To Stop Worrying and Start Living, and The Power Of Positive Thinking.

12. Download the HeadSpace app for free. Do 10 minutes of meditation for 10 days with the Take 10 Meditation Series. It’s great!

13. Dance. Try Gabrielle Roth’s 5 Rhythms Method– She guides you through five phases of flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, and stillness to bring you to a place of calm and transformation.

14. Yoga. There are a ton of online options. YogaGlo monthly membership or Yoga With Adriene for free on YouTube are two of my favorites.

15. Take a nap.

16. Write your way out of an emotional funk.

17. Silently repeat a mantra to yourself “I am happy, I am healthy, I am at ease, all is well.” or whatever words resonate most for you.

18. Watch The Happy Movie.

19. Extend a helping hand. Contribute to the Kindness Boomerang.

20. Hang out and surround yourself with uplifting, supportive, loving people.

21. Clear the clutter. Clean, organize your living space, turn it into a sanctuary of calm, nurturing energy.

22. Pray.

23. Laugh. Engage in a fun hobby.

24. Hydrate. Drink water. Emotional and physical stress quickly dehydrates your body and brain.

25. Create a quest for yourself. Focus on a big goal. Stretch yourself. Think outside the box. Seek adventure or something bigger than the little annoyances that take up unnecessary space in your life.

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