Don’t Deprive. Thrive.
What little “indulgences” are you relying on to get through your day? Could you make it without them? Do they sometimes feel out of control?
- The wine you go through all too easily after a long day’s work.
- The multiple cups of coffee you need just to see you through to 3 p.m.
- The frequent visits to the candy dish at work, followed by bowls of ice cream or handfuls of salty chips at night.
Are these indulgences more than just small guilty pleasures?
Are you ready for a change?
Do you even know where to begin, besides sheer willpower—which hasn’t worked so well in the past?

That’s where I come in. I help you change your habits without changing who you are.
Without losing your edge.
Without becoming anxious.
Without the fun police crashing your party.
I help you find the best version of yourself.
Introducing: Overcome Your Craving Brain
with Healthy Discoveries Coaching.

Discover how your individual brain chemistry drives you to:
- Crave sugary foods at 3 p.m.
- Smell a donut and think of nothing else.
- Relax the moment you pour that glass of wine, before you even take a sip.
When you fill your body and your brain with booze, caffeine, sugary foods, empty carbs, and anything devoid of nourishment, the chemistry in your brain changes.
This means in order to overcome your vices, once and for all, you need to bring your brain back into a balanced, healthy state.
What you put in your body doesn’t
just affect how you look.
It affects your:
Motivation & Self-Esteem
Maybe you’ve tried to change. Maybe you’ve tried to reason yourself out of thinking it’s really a problem. Have you tried to convince yourself you can stop anytime?
Have you ever said, “I’ll start again tomorrow.”
I’ll drink less.
I can cut back on the sugar.
I’ll eliminate the caffeine.
But then the next day you hear that voice in your head again:
“Don’t deprive yourself. You deserve it. After all, it’s been a looong day.”
It’s time to rewire your brain chemistry and overcome your craving brain.
For good.

What if you could remove the vice,
remove the anxiety, and
still be 100% you?
No fogginess.
No lingering regret.
No queasy stomach.
Getting the best sleep of your life.
Energy coursing through your body.
You’re still you.
You feel calm and in control.
There’s no beating yourself up.
No mental debate or rationalizing.
You’ve got a big day ahead, but that’s okay. You’ve got this.
But not only that,
you’re healthier than ever.
It’s time to rewire your brain chemistry and overcome your vices for good!
Hi there, I’m Jolene, and I help high achieving professionals who want a comprehensive ‘next steps’ approach to support their Craving Brain after they’ve made the decision to stop drinking. They now want useful resources, support and tools to help them stick with their alcohol-free decision long-term.
In 2014, I stopped drinking. Even though I drank like many others, ending my day with wine to numb my anxiety and escape the pressure of the day wasn’t working anymore. I knew I needed to stop, so I did. No rock bottom, no rehab. I just chose to stop. But removing alcohol from our lives doesn’t remove all our cravings and discomfort. That’s where ‘Craving Brain’ coaching comes in.
Listen here as I share my drinking story on the popular HOME podcast.
As I searched for cutting-edge resources and alternatives, I found fascinating, evidence-based research on:
- alcohol and the sugar connection
- functional nutrition for the gut and brain
- physiology of the brain’s chemistry and cravings
- fight-flight-freeze stress response
- neuroplasticity
- emotional resiliency
- habit change
- nervous system self-regulation
This integrated approach helped me, it helps my clients, and it can help you. Overcome Your Craving Brain is a practical guide for not feeling deprived, so you can thrive!

Stop beating yourself up. Start thriving.
Who is this for?
Business Professionals
You’re gliding your way up the corporate ladder. And you handle your work like a pro, except for when your boss throws off your schedule with an unreasonable request which turns into a frustrating delay. That’s when the anxiety crept in, and it was your one-way ticket to one too many drinks at Happy Hour and then you continued to drink into the evening.
You’re the boss of your own business. No pressure, right? Except there is. You’re now the “manager” of every single aspect of your business, plus the CEO. It gets to be 5 p.m. and you haven’t ticked off half of your to-do list. Avoiding the tasks you need to do, you think about cracking open the bottle to get you through the stress and overwhelm by shutting your brain off with alcohol for a couple hours.
You, Whatever You Do
You love the work you do. Maybe you’re mending broken bodies, arguing legal cases, counseling or teaching others. Except you’re constantly on edge, your kids are tap dancing on your last nerve, the house is a mess, you’re second-guessing your judgment calls. You’ve slammed down multiple cups of coffee this morning and you’re feeling the jittery effects this evening. Your mind is going a mile a minute. You can’t relax, so alcohol became the thing that softened the edges. It was a vicious cycle.
What You’ll Get From This Coaching Program:
Power-Hour (90 minutes) Skype Or Phone Consulting Session.
First, we’ll dive deep into who you are, your habits, stressors, coping patterns, vices. You’ll learn about your brain chemistry and how functional nutrition, neuroplasticity and self-regulation techniques can be used to bring positive change into your life.
Personalized Action Plan For Your Craving Brain.
Second, we’ll identify specific + specialized action steps you can implement over the next 30-60 days. Yes, you can relax, turn off your anxious brain, prioritize pleasure, and truly enjoy your life by distilling your action steps into simple, specific steps.
Customized Resources To Support Your Individual Goals.
You’ll get access to my treasure chest of tools, tips, and techniques for your body and brain to keep you on the path that develops your best and healthiest self.
Daily Email Check-In For Accountability + Weekly Follow Up Calls (60-minutes).
Unlimited email access to me in between coaching calls. You’ll receive real-time help for the wobbles, triggers, and stress that pop up along the way. I’ll keep you on track and cheer you on with private, personalized support to nourish your body and rewire your brain in a brand new revolutionary way.
This Coaching Program Is NOT For You If…
- You’ve never really taken a break from drinking or you’re unable to go at least 30 consecutive days without drinking. I am not a quit therapist and this is NOT addiction counseling.
- You use marijuana, painkillers, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, etc with alcohol or in place of alcohol. Or, you have an eating disorder.
Craving Brain coaching is NOT a replacement for an addiction treatment program.
This one-on-one coaching helps you rebuild, rewire and replenish healthy habits and routines once you’ve made the decision to stop drinking.
Apply for private coaching with Jolene
Are you not quite ready to jump into coaching?
I also offer 90-minute jump-start consulting sessions. You’ll get solid advice and resources from me that give you fresh solutions and perspectives. Do you know what you need to do, you just need help getting unstuck so you can take action? If this is where you are and what you’re looking for, you’re in the right place! I’ll help get you off the starting blocks.
We’ll talk through your story, history, and patterns. You’ll get personalized functional nutrition suggestions to boost and balance your neurotransmitters + action steps based on neuroscience to help regulate your fight, flight and freeze stress response.
This is a booster shot of all my best tips and practices. After our call, I’ll send you an email with a summary of everything we discussed.
Consulting is not an ongoing coaching relationship where you have daily access and weekly accountability with me, for that, you’ll have to hire me to coach you. A consulting session is for people who want my wisdom and expertise in a one-and-done session.
“I would tell prospective clients who are considering Craving Brain coaching to dive in without hesitation. The program is geared to people just like me — who on the outside look like they have it all together, but on the inside are beating themselves up every day and becoming exhausted and disheartened in the meantime. The tools, supplements, reading materials, exercises and one-on-one conversations helped me build the foundation I need. For me, the most helpful piece was the actual one-on-one conversations with Jolene. I really felt that I could connect with her, and by knowing she had been through and experienced a similar path as me, made me feel inspired and hopeful.”
– SH, Des Moines, Iowa
“Jolene is sensitive and practical, she helped me manage the days after I quit drinking, and then as time passed helped me unearth what was really underneath my drinking behavior. The most helpful piece was keeping it simple after deciding to eliminate booze from my life, I also wanted to start changing my diet, wake up earlier, etc and Jolene taught me how to be gentle with myself and really honor this major step I had taken to be alcohol- free and to fill my life up with nourishing activities that supported my choice. Jolene is a gem and I am so glad I encountered her. I could never have become alcohol-free without her.”
– LF, Aspen, CO
“I decided to take on coaching with Jolene after several attempts at moderating my drinking and periods of abstinence from alcohol. Reading Annie Grace’s ‘This Naked Mind’ created seismic shifts in the way I related to drinking, but I had a circumstance of extreme stress a few months ago which launched me back into drinking (I now realize I was not equipped with enough ‘sober tools’ to get through that situation). I thought I could just drink that stress away and easily return to abstinence, I thought – “I’m in control now, I can do this moderation thing. Others do it, why can’t I?” Only to find I returned to drinking one to two bottles of wine 3-4 times a week. Hence, my prime objective with Jolene was to ‘dislodge’ that stubborn automatic response to use alcohol to deal with high-stress scenarios.
My work with Jolene has been exactly what I needed to get back on track. I just returned from my first sober overseas vacation. I had some challenging moments but I stuck with it – she was always at the other end (of an email or Skype call) and coaching me through getting to the bottom of what arose at the time. Jolene equipped me with a variety of tools. I realize now I needed to test and pick which resources work best for me – it’s an ongoing process.
I was actually quite surprised to learn what the body needs when restoring itself from years of alcohol intake – it is imperative to be armed with this information in order to recognize that the cravings are the body and brain crying out for nutrition and lifestyle balance. I’ve learned a lot about staying mindful of nutrition and what my body needs when I have cravings.
I wasn’t certain whether I wanted to try moderation or complete abstinence on commencement with Jolene, but knowing now what it takes for the body to reset itself after ingesting alcohol, I’m clear I don’t want to drink. That, and, well, moderation never worked for me. My relationship with drinking is ‘all or nothing’. So, it’s nothing.
Jolene’s support and ability to identify the resources you need to ‘dislodge’ those stuck patterns is incredible. She is a wealth of knowledge and generously imparts personal experience, empathy, mentorship and a solid pillar of strength to pull you through the sludgy mental mud when you need it.
I strongly recommend Jolene regardless of where you are with drinking or simply just want to be empowered with making healthier life choices. It was the best decision I made and it has given me the kick-start to the true health that I needed. I’m feeling so strong and certain now and LOVING how much more positive my internal dialogue is. My skin is glowing and I look younger. Thank you, Jolene!”
– SH, Perth, Australia
“I have known Jolene since 2004 and have followed her career and work from a distance until October 2016 when I decided to sign-up for her one-on-one coaching.
I spent a month with Jolene working through some of the challenges I was facing with stress, weight gain and low-energy. Jolene’s knowledge, experience and tool-kit are exceptional. She introduced me to several new tools, techniques and resources that have been instrumental in my ongoing journey towards mental and physical health. Jolene is authentic and lives her life fully integrated with her work and ongoing journey with healthy discoveries. I admire and respect her life long commitment and career to healthy living and I am grateful for her ability to guide me towards my own healthy living lifestyle.”
– MM, Denver, Colorado
“It was great working with Jolene. I made positive changes in the 30 days we worked together. I am still doing well and at the same time I’m aware that I have to be conscious of my choices as I know it is easy to slip back into old patterns. The good news is that it hasn’t been much of a struggle once I got past the first few weeks. I feel much better these days so I don’t have the desire to go backward.
I can’t say I would change a thing from our coaching experience. Jolene was there for me if I needed the support on a daily basis, however she did not pressure me if I chose not to be in touch every day. I liked the initial time we spent on our first call and it was really helpful to have a long session the 3rd week in. I know that is just an organic experience which is probably different with each client, but her willingness to spend the time for the longer call was great. I never felt rushed in any way.
The accountability in the beginning was huge for me. I feel much better about myself and I notice I’m more confident and happier in general. I would recommend working with Jolene to anyone that was serious about making the commitment to positive and healthy change in their life. It felt easy and comfortable to open up and be honest with her, which I believe is the first step in making any kind of change.
– LM, Illinois, USA
“What would you tell prospective clients who are considering Craving Brain coaching? Do it! Jolene really understands what it’s like to be a ‘gray area drinker.’ She helped me let go of old ideas about drinking and embrace my new sober life. When I started working with Jolene I thought I had it figured out and I just hoped to lose a little weight and get back on track with healthy eating. But as life started to unfold I realized that things were not as easy as I’d thought. She offered support when things went wrong – like when I got sick and when I slipped up and drank one time on a work trip. But also tools to help me navigate through early sobriety. After 90 days working together, I found key tools that have helped me see my daily life in a new way. Not to mention a regular exercise routine that I do not think I could have developed without her guidance.”
– MM, Birmingham, AL
“I would tell prospective clients that they should absolutely invest in Jolene’s coaching. It was an important part of my not-drinking path that helped me to establish myself in sobriety and implement tools for my own success. I would also tell others to consider this very deeply, alongside the traditional arsenal of therapy/AA/acupuncture or whatever else. I ultimately found this to be EXACTLY what I needed even though it might not have been originally on my list of things to try!
The most helpful piece was the aspect of understanding and developing ‘nourishing’ habits. I learned that it doesn’t need to be fancy or about ‘doing’ or what other people think feels good. It’s about testing and checking in with myself. Plus, acknowledging that sitting with my difficult feelings and learning how to do that is an important part of this work. Jolene’s one-on-one coaching program is 100% worth the price.”
– SC, Minneapolis, MN
“Craving Brain coaching is a game changer. I spent nearly two years relentlessly consuming all the spiritual, self-help, wellness content I could find. I think I follow every sober woman on Instagram. I tried setting up my own sober Instagram. I tried journaling, diets, meditation, proclaiming my sober intentions to friends and family, secret Facebook groups, committing to crazy workouts, but none of it worked to keep me from drinking down all my feeling every five days or so. As result, I was miserable, depressed, bloated and overwhelmed with anxiety about it all.
Working with Jolene made everything suddenly click into place and when I say things suddenly clicked – I mean it. I hung up after our first phone call and felt genuinely excited. For the first time, I felt like I could do it! I started to feel optimism, strength, and contentment instead of fear, dread, and anxiety.
– ET, Newport Beach, CA
“I am stunned by how much progress I was able to make working with Jolene in just 30-days.
For years, I have been promising myself over and over I would make changes in my life and I knew the leading contender for recalibration was my relationship with alcohol. Add to that a laundry list of pressures and the result was an over-stressed, over-committed, often unhappy, always exhausted working mom who too easily lost patience with her kids and felt disconnected from her spouse. I felt like I was hanging to just about everything by the skin of my teeth. It was no fun.
And yet, there were no ‘red-flags’ to jumpstart me into seeking help. With regard to alcohol, I was able to keep my drinking ‘under control’ – self-defined as never blacking out (or so I told myself rarely), never driving drunk (or so I told myself often or far) and never embarrassing myself (again I convinced myself not very often or too much.) But when I looked closely, the truth is alcohol was calling the shots. Alcohol was in the driver’s seat – each and every time from the moment I took that first sip.
I told myself, “I’ll abstain Sunday – Wednesday.” Nope, that didn’t work. I told myself, “I won’t drink the day after a big night.” That didn’t work either. I told myself, “I will keep it to two glasses.” And on and on that went.
What I finally realized, with relief, was that I needed help. I chose to work with Jolene because she offers a program that does not make demands, but instead a partner to explore together why I made the decisions I did in drinking. During this exploration Jolene was available each day, guiding me in a deep dive as I examined my relationship with alcohol. Even in the first week, Jolene taught me to create the mental space for myself to explore and understand my actions and what prompted them. Using simple breathing techniques and visualization, I was able to step back from an array of moments in which I would have previously been on ‘auto-pilot’ – simply engaging in actions I knew to be destructive but I didn’t have the mental or physical capacity to choose a different path.
Rather than present my choices as black or white, drink or don’t drink, Jolene taught me to explore the choices I wanted to make as an experiment. In doing so, I truly felt I was answering only to myself – an empowering lesson on my journey and one I took in from the start.
I was skeptical that I would see progress in just 30 days. But the simple knowledge that someone is there for you, supporting and encouraging you day in and day out, is pivotal. It provides a foundation of voluntary accountability and always accessible expertise. Jolene provided a wide array of advice and education on; scientific research to help me understand what alcohol does to my body and brain, holistic steps I can take to achieve success, nutrition, personal re-structuring of my day and night to boost and regulate my energy and even, when necessary, comedic relief.
I am happy to say that for this first time I am heading into the final stretch of the holidays feeling sober, calm, excited and centered all at once. In 30 days I have done what I was not able to do for years on my own, and it feels amazing.”
– GR, Washington DC, USA
“When I began coaching with Jolene I was a mere 30 days into sobriety. I had never been sober that long and although I was proud I knew I needed support to continue my journey. I was meeting with a counselor weekly and doing an online sobriety school, but I knew I needed more.
I could tell that my body was off. I had been drinking daily for 13 years. When we first started coaching I was suffering from horrible headaches. I had never had headaches until I was sober. We worked on this through diet and supplements and my headaches quickly disappeared. I also faced a few major relationship challenges early on. One of which very nearly compromised my sobriety. I sent Jolene an email about it and she responded within an hour. Her reply was, hands down, the most caring, empathetic and information filled email I have ever received. It was exactly what I needed at that moment and exactly what I needed to continue my recovery path. The daily access to someone who not only knew from personal experiences what I was going through but could also explain the physiology behind it was invaluable.
I am now gratefully 95 days sober and I have never been better. Looking back on those very early days I can see I was crawling out of my skin. I then started my coaching with Jolene–my hormones and electrolytes began to balance, my nutrition improved, and my brain began to heal. I remember writing Jolene one day saying that I thought I could actually feel my brain healing. 🙂
I would and will recommend Jolene’s services to anyone. Especially those in early recovery. I am forever grateful!” – BKM, Vienna, VA