The Sensitivity Gene: How A Perceived Weakness Becomes A Strength

The Sensitivity Gene: How A Perceived Weakness Becomes A Strength

Have you ever said to yourself, “Ugh, I’m never drinking again!” and then a day or two later you’re drinking again. Or Have you wanted to cut back on sugar, but find it hard to stick to? Or maybe you’ve turned to other vices – cigarettes, pot, or behaviors like compulsive exercise or work to run…

The Best Nutraceutical (Nutritional Supplement) Brands

The Best Nutraceutical (Nutritional Supplement) Brands

  A question people often ask when I teach workshops is, “which supplement brands do I recommend?” In general, I think health food stores like Whole Foods, Sprouts, Natural Grocers, Earth Fare etc. carry good quality, trustworthy brands and I often recommend people purchase from those stores. For high quality, nutraceutical grade supplement brands I like these…

Three Important Blood Tests To Request At Your Next Doctor’s Visit

Three Important Blood Tests To Request At Your Next Doctor’s Visit

If you feel tired or want to lose weight, you’re not alone. Most of the people I coach have one or both of these complaints. There are different variables to explore, but the first place I like to start is with blood tests.   1. If your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone (T3…

The Best Online Workouts & Fitness Apps

The Best Online Workouts & Fitness Apps

You know that silent conversation you have with yourself? I’m going to start. I’m getting back on the exercise bandwagon and I’m sticking with it this time! I’ll start tomorrow, Monday, when I get back from the girl’s weekend, after Denver’s Great American Beer Festival, on January 1, or whatever, you fill in the blank……